February 17, 2025

The Home Security Blog

Seattle, Washington

Passkeys Explained

Passkeys are the next-generation replacement for passwords, and they are the next step of online security. In this digital age, where data theft, computer hacking, and cyber attacks are growing every day,  more robust security systems are critical.


What is a Passkey?

A passkey is a piece of code stored on your device. You don’t need to go look at it, and you don’t need to manipulate it. Your device automatically uses it when you set up a passkey with a website, like your Microsoft account.


Don’t Store Passkeys On Your Phone.

The big problem with passkeys is that they actually make your accounts more insecure if you store it on your phone or computer. That’s because if someone obtains your phone, then they will get immediate access to all of your accounts without needing to insert a password. It’s like leaving your keys in your car. Everyone knows not to do that. 


Seems backwards, right? That’s because passkeys weren’t developed to be stored on your phone or computer. They were developed to be stored on a separate physical device. No one is so simple-minded as to think storing your keys in your car is a safe place.


Check Out our Encrypter Passkey in our Shop.

We developed the market best selling passkey device which you can checkout in our shop. This device is designed from the ground-up to be the most secure device in the market, made by talented engineers based in the United States. It is also quite simple to use. Whenever you want to access a website, all you have to do is scan your Encrypter on a Scanner that comes in the package.


Who Developed the Passkey Framework?

The passkey framework was developed collaboratively by the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), with significant contributions from major technology companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. This joint effort aimed to create a universal standard for secure, passwordless authentication across various platforms and devices.


How Do Passkeys Work? (Advanced)

At the core of a passkey system is the creation and storage process. During registration on a website or app, a unique pair of cryptographic keys is generated. This includes a private key, which is securely stored on the user’s device, and a public key, which is kept on the server. Unlike traditional passwords, the private key never leaves the user’s device, significantly enhancing security.


Why Does My Website Offer Me Both Passkeys and Passwords?

This is an artifact of the legacy system of passwords. If you look at it carefully, you can see that it’s similar to installing both a titanium lock and a wooden lock on your door. Clearly, the wooden lock serves no purpose, and over-complicates things. Nonetheless, in a world where everyone uses passwords, they are not going to go away immediately. Websites and businesses worldwide are slowly transitioning from passwords to passkeys. There will be a significant period where websites use both passkeys and passwords at the same time.

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