
How to Setup

• To setup your Encrypter with your accounts, social media, email, and other services and devices (a “Service“), follow the instructions below.

• Each Service has its own process, though they’re all very similar.

• Keep in mind that each Service is updated over time, and so these instructions and links change over time also. We will keep them updated, but if you have any issues immediately contact our support team.

1. Microsoft: 365, OneDrive, Outlook, etc.

2. Google: G-mail, G-Suite, Google Drive, Youtube, etc.

3. Proton Mail, Proton Drive

4. AWS

5. Facebook

6. Instagram

7. TikTok

8. Twitter / X

9. AppleID, Apple iCloud (Requires minimum of 2 keys)

10. Docusign

11. Dropbox Sign

12. Dropbox

13. Salesforce

14. Coinbase

15. 1Password

16. LastPass

17. Bitwarden

18. Password Safe

19. Keeper

20. Kraken

21Bank of America

22. Github

23. Brave Browser

24. Secure Disk for BitLocker

25. AuthLite

26. Citrix Workspace

27. Duo Security

28. Google Advanced Protection Program

29. ID.me

30. Ping Identity

31. Cloudflare

Hundreds More



1. The list is constantly expanding. Businesses around the world are implementing encryption as we speak.

2. We are actively working on simplifying the setup process for all Services. Please bear with us while we innovate in this area.

3. Keep in mind that different Services describe the setup process of encryption using different terminology, including but not limited to “security keys”, “FIDO2”, “FIDO”, “2FA”, “two-factor authentication”, “MFA”, “multi-factor authentication”, etc. While not all encryption devices are the same, bear this in mind to help you navigate the websites linked here.

4. If you do not see a Service listed here that you want to encrypt, then check their website directly and look for the words “Security Key” or “2FA”. There are thousands of Services, and so we do not list them all.

5. Keep in mind that this technology is cutting edge, and so some Services are still working on enabling it (e.g. Wells Fargo). We are working with businesses to do so. Therefore, you will have to wait for it to be enabled. We urge you to complain to your Service provider if they’re slow in rolling out encryption – for their and for your security.


How to Use

• When you login to a Service, it will prompt you to scan your key.

• Scan your key by placing it near the scanner.

• For scanning on the PC, your Scanner was shipped to you with your device. Make sure that it is plugged into your computer to scan with it.

• For scanning on an iPhone, the scanner is located in the top of the iPhone. (See image below).


• For scanning on an Android, the scanner is located at either the middle, bottom, or top of the phone. Each device is different. Try each location.

• Reminder: the Encrypter is not compatible with MacOS (such as the Macbook Pro or Macbook Air) until June 2024.